I joined CFVM after a friend recommended it to me. When I went along, everyone I met was very welcoming and encouraging. I had the chance to learn from the other members, to develop new skills and knowledge, and to have fun at the same time.
So, if you are an avid cinema-goer, or a film studies student, or if you like writing your own screen-plays or if you have had some experience of making documentaries or shooting short holiday films, I would really recommend visiting the club and, if you like it, joining up too!
By Rupert Marks
Any initial interest in film making even if it is only putting together holiday footage can be developed by seeing what other members can do.
There is no pressure on members to make films, but if you do, you can learn from others about techniques and how your film can be improved.
You can also be part of a team making club films which will be entered into competitions. There are always opportunities to be cast or crew members or even script writers. By Alan Hepburn
I have been a member of the CFVM for six years,and find there are interesting projects being undertaken
by the members every year. I now have a digital camera, but a mobile phone is all you need to get started. By Michael Rice
I joined CFVM in 2003 as a pure beginner to filmmaking. I was inspired by the work of Keith Baker and Harry Page and thanks to the help and encouragement that they and other members gave me I was able to develop my knowledge and skills making documentary films.
CFVM has become a passion and I enjoy continuing my membership by offering the same help and encouragement I received when I first joined. By Clive Hand
Having just purchased my first video camera, I needed to find out how to use it - That was in 1984.........so I located a local club SSFVM (Southern Sound Film and Video makers.They were holding meetings in St.Pancras church hall,Chichester on Wed. evenings....and still are. I joined the club and learnt how to use my
new video camera and have since not only made award winning films, but have also acted in films .Some previous members have even won a WORLD competition with a film that only has a running time of 60 secs. (1 min.) Come and see for yourself you wont regret it. By Rodney Reeder